Sunday, December 18, 2016

Mutant Future Critical Hit Tables

Mutant Future Critical Hit Table (Natural 20)
Critical Hits do Double Damage (Rollx2)
Then - Roll 2d6:
02) Eviscerated! (Save vs. Death +1)
03) Vitals Torn (Save vs. Death +3)
04) Torso Slam (Save vs. Stun (1d4 rounds))
05) Shoulder Sprung (-2 to hit until rested)
06) Arm Wound (-1 to hit remainder of battle)
07) Maximum Damage (No Roll)
08) Leg Wound (+1 AC until wrapped)
09) Kneecapped (+2 AC until rested)
10) Bell Rung (Save vs. Stun (2d4 rounds))
11) Go for the Throat ((Save vs. Death -1)
12) BOOM - Head Shot! (Save vs. Death -3)

Mutant Future Critical Miss Table (Natural 01)
Critical Misses do No Damage to Target (No Roll)
Then - Roll 2d6:
02) Heads Up! (Damage Random Ally (or self))
03) Wait … what? (Save vs. Stun 1d2 rounds)
04) Dropped Weapon (Spend 1 round to ready)
05) Damaged Weapon (-2 to hit until end of battle)
06) Slipped Weapon (-1 to hit next round)
07) Lost Target (-2 initiative next round)
08) Off Balance (+1 AC until end of next round)
09) Take a Knee (+2 AC until rested)
10) Wipeout (Prone +4 to Hit until Dex Check)
11) Wide Open (Target gets 1 free attack)
12) Stumbled into It (Target gets 1 free damage)

Monday, December 12, 2016

Scavenging in the Mutant Future

"The battle is over, and the Pigmen lay at your feet, in slowly congealing pools of blood. Well fought.  Everyone gets … 120 experience points."
"How much are their swords worth?  Can we take them?"
"Umm...  sure.  They're not very valuable, seeing as they've been fashioned for, and by Pigmen."
"Their boots look cool.  Can we take those?"

I do like the Treasure Tables included in the Mutant Future ruleset, as published, but anticipate my players asking what could be scavenged from the corpses of Mutant Humanoids. Along with the Furs and Hides of animals, which could be useful, I came up with this Quick Abstract system.

Anytime it's possible that something valuable could be gleaned from a location, roll 1d100.
This is the amount of "Crap Pieces" (CP), that one could scavenge from the locale.
The amount of time needed, to extract and pack the loot, is equal to the roll, in minutes.

If either of the die show a zero (0), then negate the roll, and re-roll the dice, changing the Loot Value to "Scrap Pieces" (SP).

Do the same, should either die show a zero, changing the Loot Value to "Goods" (GP).

Finally, should either of THESE dice, show a zero - Roll ONCE on the Random Artifact Table, found in the Mutant Future Rulebook.

In the cases of CP, SP, or GP - the weight of the scavenged materials, will be the value of final Roll/10 in pounds.

Note that this roll is allowed once per location, not for each enemy defeated.
It simply adds a bit of variety to the encounters, without (hopefully) creating an imbalance.

This may serve to increase the incentive of the PCs engaging appropriate parties, while maintaining the increased Lair Value of the creatures found in the rules.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Gonna reboot this blog, as a place to document my 3D printed miniatures which focus on Gonzo Post-Apocalyptic Gaming, for "Gamma World", "Mutant Future", and other over-the-top SciFi games.